welcome to the front lawn
Hello, I am Hjalli and you are on the front lawn of my website, hjalli's home.
I am non-binary, my pronouns are they/them/theirs. I have 0 experience with html and am a 100% beginner. I get easily overwhelmed when trying new things, especially when it comes to html as I have 0 coding experience and this is all very intimidating. BUT! I wanted to create a website as I've always wanted a sort of record of myself as a person - the things I've interacted with over the years, my past and current interests, the fact that I exist and am not a boring person like I think I am. This is a big work in progress and I'm trying my best.
NOTE: This site contains some flashing/blinking images but nothing too crazy. This site does not contain automatically playing audio.
click the door to enter hjalli's home